About Us

An old-fashioned Regency-like image in a Regency sitting room. The word about sits in the middle held up by a vintage banner. A vintage book is below it.


We believe in the power of great love stories, in beautiful tales of Modern Romanticism influenced by the Romantic Age, and in living a more Romantic, imaginative lifestyle. 


Experience the enchanting world of period dramas, love, Romanticism, and timeless elegance with The Silver Petticoat Review. Our mission is to guide you to the best period dramas, historical fiction books, classics, imaginative tales of Romanticism (fantasy, fairy tales, gothic, etc.), and captivating love stories within movies, TV shows, and books.

We’re also here to be your source of inspiration for Romantic Living – Silver Petticoat Style – helping you infuse your everyday life with the magic of imagination, creativity, and a hopeful perspective on the world.  

Jane Austen proved stories have the power to change the world, and we believe that too!

So, consider The Silver Petticoat Review your trusted companion, whether you’re looking for the perfect movie or show to watch, a new book to read, or even Romantic Living inspiration.

We’re damsels NOT in distress fighting for the all-new optimistic Romantic Revolution. Join us!

Subscribe Here.


“Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worthwhile.” — L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Meet the identical twin sisters behind The Silver Petticoat Review – Amber Topping and Autumn Topping.

Raised by imaginative parents, we were encouraged to explore our creativity freely, a gift we’ve carried into adulthood. Despite life’s challenges, we’ve never lost our childlike wonder and imagination.

From a young age, we’ve been drawn to the magic of great love stories and imaginative tales from around the world in books and movies.

Our inspirations on this site range from the timeless works of Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, L.M. Montgomery (and the Sullivan adaptation of Anne of Green Gables), and Louisa May Alcott to British Period Dramas, the Romantic Era, fairy tales, historical fiction, foreign dramas, and even paranormal romance stories penned by L.J. Smith – a blend of the classic and the sensational.

We first created the idea for The Silver Petticoat Review when we realized there was a distinct lack of magazines or blogs dedicated to celebrating period dramas, old-fashioned romance, and Romanticism.

During a lovely afternoon at a Victorian Tea Room, alongside our friend and original co-founder, Rebecca Lane, we brainstormed and brought The Silver Petticoat Review into existence. And so, our journey began!

Why trust The Silver Petticoat Review?

Here’s some background on us: We have significant experience as freelance magazine writers and are seasoned copy editors in the entertainment and lifestyle/culture categories. Furthermore, we share a profound passion and extensive expertise in period dramas, romance, and Romanticism. For example, we were among the first to create period drama articles that went viral online!

In addition to our professional experiences, our educational backgrounds and degrees directly align with the subject matter of this website. Moreover, our lifelong devotion to these areas of interest further enriches our qualifications. We hope you’ll trust our opinions as you would those of a trusted friend.

Today, we invite you to join us on this odyssey of love, imagination, and timeless romance. Welcome to The Silver Petticoat Review!


Amber Topping - Cofounder of The Silver Petticoat Review

Amber works as a writer and digital publisher full-time and fell in love with stories and imagination at an early age. She loved doing Shirley Temple impersonations and creating plays with her siblings. Amber did cheerleading and dance and ultimately discovered her passion for writing.

She has a Humanities and Film Degree from BYU, co-created The Silver Petticoat Review, contributed as a writer to various magazines, and has an MS in Publishing from Pace University, where she received the Publishing Award of Excellence and wrote her thesis on transmedia, Jane Austen, and the romance genre.

Her ultimate dreams are publishing books, writing and producing movies, traveling around the world, and forming a creative village of talented storytellers trying to change the world through art.


Autumn Topping - cofounder of The Silver Petticoat Review

In second grade, Autumn wrote her first story, The Spinach Monster, and hasn’t stopped writing since. Intrigued by the tales her grandmother told of vampires, witches, and ghosts as a girl, she’s always been drawn to the fantastic. 

Later, Autumn studied English and Creative Writing (continuing her love for classic literature and everything old-fashioned) and graduated with an MA in Children’s Literature and an MS in Library and Information Science from Simmons College.

Currently, she co-runs this lovely site and works as a YA Librarian. She also served on NYPL’s Best Books for Teens committee.

If you would like to work with us, check out our Partnership, Promotional, and Other Opportunities Page.



Publicity still from the CBS show Moonlight with the characters Beth and Mick looking into each other's eyes.
Mick and Beth from Moonlight
Photo: CBS/Warner Bros

At The Silver Petticoat Review, we share reviews, articles, lists, news, romantic moments, interviews, and more!

For us to cover a story, it must either be a period drama, a classic, historical fiction, or have a love story (no matter the genre), characteristics of Romanticism, or have aspects of Romantic Living. 

We also strive to discuss stories with less explicit content. However, we occasionally cover a movie/show/book with graphic scenes or profanity due to artistic merit, relevancy, or genre interest.

Nonetheless, we include “content notes” as much as possible so no one will be surprised when they open a book or turn something on. We do not and will not cover Erotica or severely disturbing content. 


(Posts typically crossover into many categories at the same time.)

(Dena made the featured image and is from the Etsy BubblegumBlowfish shop)