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What Fictional Character Are You?

Darcy and Elizabeth Photo: BBC
Darcy and Elizabeth
Photo: BBC

We know we can’t be the only ones participating in all those Buzzfeed quizzes spreading around the web: Twitter, Facebook, etc., quizzes like What Jane Austen Heroine Are You? Or, What Disney Prince is your True Love? They’re fun, right? I think most of us story people (and maybe even some who aren’t) like to ponder what characters they are like, whether from TV shows to beloved classic novels. From time to time, our favorite characters do stem from the ones we identify with the most.  But we all can’t actually BE Elizabeth Bennet, no matter how much we perceive or wish ourselves to be or even how much we relate to her as a character.

So what then is the point of this blog post? Well we, as in the Ladies of the Silver Petticoat Review, thought we would try a little fun experiment. First, each of us thought of characters we ‘think’ we are like and explain why and how. And lest you think us too biased in our choices, rest assured that this ‘experiment’ opens the doors for the all humiliation network….Why, you may ask? After making our own choices (after serious consideration of course), we then opened up this question to close friends and family members to see who they perceive us as. Finally, while we realize this may seem like a particularly self-absorbed post, we promise we’re not being too full of ourselves as we also want all of you to share what characters you relate to or what characters you think you are like (even ask friends and family for hilarious responses). That way, we can all get to know each other in this fun, kind of contemplative way…So, let’s get started, beginning with Amber:

(Amber) How I See Me:

Sara Stanley in Road to Avonlea:

Sara Stanley from Road to Avonlea. Photo: Sullivan Entertainment.
Photo: Sullivan Entertainment.

I admit that I am a lot like Anne Shirley, but I’m also quite a bit like Sara. I picked Sara because while she’s dreamy and optimistic, she’s also a little bit more steeped in reality than Anne is. Growing up, I was a lot like Sara. I was a storyteller, always putting on plays and performances and even a little bit of a tomboy. I wasn’t afraid to get dirty or run with the boys. I also enjoyed befriending adults and getting to know why they are the way they are. Sara’s perspective on the world is very close to mine. She has a similar temperament and an optimistic viewpoint. Even though I grew up in the ‘90s, I had a similar idyllic childhood in Maine that Sara and the King children had on Prince Edward Island.

Jane Austen as interpreted in Becoming Jane:

Jane Austen in Becoming Jane. Photo: Miramax
Photo: Miramax

I know it takes place in a different century, but as for character likeness I think I am quite a lot like Jane. I love to write, I’m admittedly prideful, I can be snarky and witty (hopefully), and I don’t like being artistically insulted (and react accordingly). I also get quite a bit of enjoyment out of reading. You know that scene when the mother shows Jane the beautiful house of the guy she wants Jane to pursue? Yeah, I would have walked right past it too! I hate setups. And while I may be single (much to the sadness of my Mom), like Jane, I will only marry for love. I’m too stubborn for anything else.

Margaret Hale in North & South:  

Photo: BBC
Photo: BBC

Like Margaret, I am both compassionate and stubborn. If I witnessed some guy screaming at his workers, I’d probably think he was a jerk too. It would be hard for me to get past it. Also like Margaret I would have taken the time to get to know the poor people of the North and would have probably been on their side. But I’m someone who likes to know every side and understand from a compassionate place. Plus, how Margaret reacts around guys who like her is just like me. And basically, John Thornton with his passion, intensity and intellectual wit is exactly my type. I definitely would have come around too.

Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls:

Photo: WB
Photo: WB

While Lorelai may be a little more extroverted than I am, our personalities are very similar especially with the way she talks. I can be very animated and naturally throw in a lot of pop culture references and can talk very fast and sometimes too much. Not to mention Lorelai’s way of having fun pretty much matches me. IE: Watching movies, playing board games and dancing. I also get very attached to houses and other stuff because I’m very sentimental. I love seeing entertaining arguments and love to laugh at all things ridiculous without actually making fun of anyone. She basically has an independent spirit I relate to. Not to mention she enjoys intellectual bantering (which I also love). Though I admit she was much wilder as a teenager than I ever was. So it’s not an exact likeness.

Amanda Woods in The Holiday

Photo: Columbia
Photo: Columbia

Let’s just put it out there: I’m not a crier. In fact, like Amanda I stopped crying in front of others when I was quite young, so I had a good laugh when Amanda kept trying to force herself to cry throughout the film. I’ve done that! Even though I feel very deeply, besides my temper and impassioned nature, I am not overly emotional outwardly. I would however probably punch out a guy who cheated on me. Let’s just say I’m much more of the kickboxing type than the yoga type. I also love video editing and can spend many hours perfecting a video, or working on my various projects. I probably, like Amanda did, really do need to take a holiday.

How others see me:

Autumn (twin sister): Jane Austen in Becoming Jane.

Photo: Miramax
Photo: Miramax

Apparently she agrees with my choice and thinks that Jane is the epitome of me.

My Mom picked Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables

Photo: Sullivan Entertainment
Photo: Sullivan Entertainment

So My Mom thinks I’m a lot like Anne! She didn’t say why, but I can guess. I’m imaginative, prideful and very competitive. I also love proving people wrong. I never had any window friends but I often would read stories aloud and put on plays and dramatics for fun. Not only that, like Anne, I did have a bit of a temper. I remember in grade school there was a boy who I was very competitive with, quite a bit like the dynamic between Anne and Gilbert. One day he insulted me. Like the worst insult! So what did I do? Well, being the modern age and all, (since I didn’t have a slate) I took my notebook and whacked it over his head. Thankfully, I didn’t get in trouble because he didn’t say anything! After that, I became very prideful toward him. I just couldn’t forgive him. When there were competitions, I had to beat him. I was unfortunately a little bit smug when I’d win. I remember one time, much to my dismay I was even assigned to sit next to him daily on the school bus! The horror… Now I’m much better, but growing up if someone insulted me I didn’t handle it the best. I did eventually learn to get control of my passions and temper and keep my feelings to myself. Well, most of the time…

Which brings me to my Step Dad’s choice: Emily Montgomery from in In & Out.

Photo: Paramount
Photo: Paramount

At first, I was like, “What?” Yes, apparently you have a couple freak outs in your life and this becomes how people see you! Really this was more of a joke on his part because he had a hard time thinking of a fictional character for me. While this one is a bit humiliating, I can admit, I’d probably completely lose it too if I went on some crazy diet, devoted many years to a guy, and then he ditched me on my wedding day. A meltdown would be completely warranted. That all said, unlike Ms. Montgomery I’m not desperate to get married and I would never throw myself like that at guys even if I was that emotionally upset. That is just something I would never do. But I understand her meltdown…I do. Who wouldn’t lose it just a little bit?

Rebecca (friend and fellow Silver Petticoat Writer) AND my brother Aaron both picked Dana Scully from The X-Files for me.

Photo: Fox
Photo: Fox

Coming from by brother I’m not shocked at all because for years he’s told me I remind him of her. Perhaps it’s because like Mulder, Aaron likes to force me to watch things and listen to him talk about his ideas. He loves attention. And like Scully, I can come across as a little bit annoyed with him when he tries to get my attention. In fact, she talks a lot like me. Expressions like “Mulder you’re nuts.” Many a time have I said, “Aaron, you’re nuts.” Anyone else remember the Christmas episode when Mulder hid her car keys so she was forced to go into the haunted house with him? This is the kind of stuff my brother does to me all the time!

Photo: Fox
Photo: Fox

As for Rebecca, she basically just said I’m a lot like her. Fair enough! My guess is it has something to do with how I handle emotions. I like to keep them to myself much like Scully. While I’m not a scientist, I can talk about things very logically (while also technically being more of a feeler like Scully) and can be a bit prideful. That said, despite Scully’s outward protesting toward Mulder’s ideas she’s actually just as much of an idealist as him. I’m the same way. I also hate to feel foolish more than anything. And while I didn’t stop writing in my journals like Scully did (out of the fear of them being seen), I am intensely protective of them. I completely freak out if anyone even gets close to them. I don’t like people invading my private thoughts. Oh, and I also get bored with the ordinary.

Scarlett (aunt): She picked two; the first, Anne Shirley, and the second, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Photo: WB
Photo: WB

Autumn was actually the one to ask her, but she said about picking Anne (and I quote): “I really think she would break a slate over some boy’s head.” Hmmm. Apparently, I had never told her about the notebook…And for Buffy she said, “I think she would enjoy slaying things.” I don’t know if I should be flattered or not! But I understand why she picked Buffy. In high school I didn’t really fall in with the popular crowd and instead hung out with a close circle of friends. But I was a cheerleader and quite enjoyed it. Even though I do like to punch and kick (in a wholesome, working out environment so don’t get any funny ideas), I am also very girly (you know, once I got past that tomboy stage). Just look at this site! I even used to dress quite a bit like Buffy. I also can shut people out and not let them get close like her. So yeah, I can understand the Buffy choice.

Dolly (Aunt): Her choice is Rose from Titanic.

Photo: Paramount
Photo: Paramount

She also talked to Autumn and pointed out that I have a similar feistiness to Rose and am a lot like her in personality. True, I’ve always been very passionate and I’ve enjoyed artistic things like Rose. And while I feel a lot of loyalty to others and will try to do what they want, at the end of the day if it doesn’t match what’s in my heart I can’t go through with it. Also like Rose, I can’t help but throw in little one-liner digs if I feel someone is being a jerk or being controlling. I hate being controlled more than anything.

Who I Wish I was Like:

Helen Magnus from Sanctuary.

Photo: SyFy
Photo: SyFy

Let’s face it, that woman can do everything. She’s independent, smart (with a genius intellect), can fight and protect herself with the best of them, is immortal and oh yeah, she’s out to save the world. Not to mention, she’s very witty and just plain awesome. Who wouldn’t want to be her?

(Autumn) How I See Me:

Fanny Price in the 1999 adaptation of Mansfield Park.

mansfield park

I chose the 1999 adaptation as the film made some HUGE changes from the book (though clearly I am also very much like Fanny in the novel as well), changes that reflect me even closer as an individual. To start, I think the actual Buzzfeed quiz (in which I rightfully got Fanny) had a great description:

“You’re quite shy and have often felt like an outsider, but around your closest friends you aren’t afraid to open up. You’re fiercely loyal and kind to everyone (even if they don’t always deserve it). While you hate exercise, you love reading and learning.”

This is actually dead on as in word for word. I would of course add that like Fanny I am quite religious and follow my own moral code (yes I admit to being a bit of a goody-goody). Aside from that, Fanny instinctively knows that she cannot trust Henry Crawford. I also follow my strong intuition when making decisions. Although I can be horribly shy, I can still be quite opinionated and willing to share those opinions on important topics, just like Fanny Price. Furthermore, I feel even more connected to this Fanny because of her desire to be a writer (a great addition I thought). And while I never suffered as a servant to my family, I feel as if my personality mirrors Fanny pretty closely.

Emily Byrd Starr from the Emily books by L.M. Montgomery


I grew up reading L.M. Montgomery books but it is in Emily that I identified with the most. With a passion for writing and a powerful imagination, I can also be prideful like Emily (sometimes to my own detriment). She, like Fanny, has a strong sense of intuition but to an ever greater degree. I can relate to this and to Emily’s more serious sides. And, like Emily, if I don’t like an ending to a story, I can’t sleep until I change it in my own mind. Sometimes horrible endings need to be rewritten.

Evelyn Carnahan from The Mummy

Like Evelyn, I am a librarian and have a deep thirst for knowledge. Unfortunately, I am also extremely clumsy (I’ve fallen down a big staircase a couple of times and then there was an incident on an escalator). Again, I am also on the goody-goody side with a bit of smugness when I’m right. I would also, deep down, love to go on an adventure, just maybe not with an evil mummy.

Felicity Porter from Felicity


In high school, I had my group of friends but like Felicity I was extremely quiet; quiet but studious. A bit neurotic, I can overanalyze and ponder situations better than almost everyone, excepting Felicity. She has a hard time opening up to people at first but when she does it becomes embarrassing in epic proportions in ways that I can most certainly relate to. A dreamer, Felicity can dream big and take risks even when her family doesn’t quite get it. In college, I too opted for the less realistic route. Instead of art, however, I went with English and writing. There is another way that I relate to Felicity but I will never share and neither will anyone who knows what I am talking about…

Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter Series (Books and Films):

Photo: Warner Brothers
Photo: Warner Brothers

“I hope you’re pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed – or worse, expelled.”

I think this quote sums me up quite nicely. I do not like getting into trouble. Getting expelled from school most certainly would have been worse for me than death because in death I at least wouldn’t have to face something so horrible. I can be an overachiever and I admit that when I was younger, I was often teacher’s pet (though being as shy as I am I did not enjoy talking in class unless I was trying to win something like a spelling bee). My worst nightmare would most definitely be failing. I don’t like to fail.

Similar to Hermione, I can also be bossy at times and tell others what to do when I see how to do things better. I like to direct people in other words in the way that Hermione does. I am also a planner and can often be found in a pile of books (I LOVE research). Aside from all that, I understand Hermione’s desire to start S.P.E.W. even though no one else gets it. When I feel something is right (or wrong as is the matter here), I can get very passionate about it. In fact, it irritates me that no one else was willing to see how right Hermione was in this matter. Finally, the joy Hermione gets in organizing and starting the secret Defense group right under Umbridge’s nose is something I would have done too. I don’t like to get into trouble but I’ll risk it if I think it is the right thing to do. AND, I’ll get a great amount of pleasure in it.

How others see me:

Amber (twin sister): Fanny Price in Mansfield Park and Ada Monroe from Cold Mountain

Photo: Miramax
Photo: Miramax

My sister, while she agrees wholeheartedly about Fanny Price, also sees Ada Monroe from Cold Mountain (novel and film). Shy and awkward (I do have a hard time forming sentences aloud sometimes); Amber thinks I would need someone like Ruby to help me get through a war too. I guess I spend too much time reading books and studying anything but survivalist skills…

Rebecca (friend and fellow Silver Petticoat Writer): Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.

Photo: Warner Brothers
Photo: Warner Brothers

Apparently, Rebecca agrees with my choice. I think I may have become a little bossy in a couple of our Silver Petticoat meetings…

Mother and Stepfather: Snow White in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Photo: Disney
Photo: Disney

Okay, not TOO embarrassing yet. That is, until I turned to my Mom and Stepdad next. I kid you not, but their first thought was Snow White. I was like “as in Snow White and the Huntsman?” No, they meant the Disney cartoon. Apparently, they can picture me “singing to the birds” about true love and cooking meals for the dwarfs.

My Mom’s Second Choice: Melanie from Gone with the Wind

Photo: MGM
Photo: MGM

While I can be forgiving, I’m not sure I could have put up with Scarlett like Melanie did, and I certainly wouldn’t have ever liked Ashley. Ugh. But I’m glad my Mom sees me as such a nice person I suppose.

Aaron (my brother): Danielle from Ever After

Photo: Twentieth Century Fox
Photo: Twentieth Century Fox

According to my brother, the only character he could think of was Danielle from the film Ever After.  While I most certainly couldn’t unseat the prince from his horse with an apple or carry the Prince on my shoulders to escape a band of gypsies, I would definitely fight passionately to save a servant’s life by pretending to be someone I wasn’t. I guess my brother sees me as this romantic caught up in books and at the same time someone who fights for what is right. I can have a little bit of a temper at times too…

Dolly (Aunt): Her choice is Scully from The X Files.

Photo: Fox
Photo: Fox

Not much of an explanation (though she thinks I look like her) as to why. I know I can shut people out and hide my emotions like Scully and I most definitely do not like to feel foolish in a similar way. I am also religious and rely on faith though I don’t have much of the scientific background at all. I can however use both emotions and logic in my arguments. Overall, I would have been more open to the possibilities than Scully was at first but I do agree I have a similar temperament for sure. I think I’m actually more like Mulder because I often see the truth in situations others don’t immediately see.

Scarlett (aunt): She picked two; the first, Elizabeth Wakefield from Sweet Valley High, and the second, Marian from The Music Man.



Scarlett immediately thought of Elizabeth Wakefield from Sweet Valley High: studious, a twin, a writer, etc…She then finished off her second character comparison with Marian, the librarian from The Music Man.

Photo: Warner Brothers
Photo: Warner Brothers

I guess she sees me as having high expectations when it comes to guys…that I too can get caught up in dream worlds, while at the same time seeming a little standoffish and buttoned up. Hmm.

Who I Wish I was Like: Miss Phryne Fisher

Photo: Acorn
Photo: Acorn

This one was difficult for me because I honestly would just want to be a stronger version of myself. But if I had to choose, a part of me would love to be more like Miss Phryne Fisher from Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. While I don’t want to be as promiscuous and wild like she can be at times, I would love to be more self-confident and speak with clarity. I would also love to be brave enough to go on investigations without fear and carry around a gold little pistol, sparring with Detective Inspector Jack Robinson along the way.

(Rebecca) How I See Me:

Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)

Photo: WB
Photo: WB

I’ve always been pretty quiet and shy. I like to read books and delve into their stories and foreign places. I’ve always been incredibly focused about who I want to be and what I want to do with my life. Even as a small child, I had a clear idea of where I was going. As I got older, I used school and books to get to where I wanted to go. I’ve always been very studious and incredibly stubborn about achieving the highest degree of excellence that I can. Like Rory, I’ve always been an overachiever in school, striving to be the best. When I went off to college I continued to do that, getting myself into the highest programs and making the highest grades.

Jane Hayes (Austenland)

Photo: Sony Pictures Classic
Photo: Sony Pictures Classic

Like I said before, I am a pretty quiet person, preferring to spend my time with books then other people. Jane Hayes loves her world of books. She loves her Darcy fantasy. I also love my fantasies. I get lost in books and never want to come out. I read my romance novels and imagine a tall dark stranger coming to my rescue. As some of you know already, I am also a huge Darcy fan. I wouldn’t go so far as to put up a cardboard statue of him in my room, but I’d say I come pretty close.

Rapunzel (Tangled)

Photo: Disney
Photo: Disney

I am a dreamer at heart. Like Rapunzel, I dream and dream of things that might be or could be. I sit in my own tower and dream up what the world outside is like. I dream of who I will be when I reach that outside world. I dream of who I will meet. I’m very fanciful in that regard.

Belle (Once Upon a Time)

Photo: ABC
Photo: ABC

I love my books. I think Belle and I are alike in our fascination with the written word. I love to get lost in a good book. I am also fastidious about taking care of my precious books. I hoard them like a dragon hoards treasure. I like to think I am also kind and caring. Belle has the gift of being able to see the best in everyone, and I think I often do that as well. Now, I am not saying that I am nearly perfect as Belle. To say so would be unrealistic, but I do think I share these qualities with her.

Katie Nic Aoidh (The Decoy Bride)

Photo: IFC
Photo: IFC

I am also a writer, a transformer of words. At times I feel as though I live on my own tiny island, sequestered from the rest of the world. I am also awkward. I sometimes say things that sound right in my head but come out wrong when said. I suppose that’s why I like writing so much. It allows me to think about what I’m going to say before something silly comes bubbling out. I like to call it word vomit, as they said in Mean Girls. Sometimes things just start coming out of my mouth that I have no control over whatsoever. I’ve got no filter. It makes things very awkward at times. I guess that’s why I prefer to stay quiet, and keep my thoughts tucked up in my own head.

How others see me:

Autumn and Amber (friends and fellow Silver Petticoat Writers): Catherine Morland from Northanger Abbey and Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

Photo: ITV
Photo: ITV

I have had the chance to ask this question of my family members and friends and some of the strangest answers have come up. I guess it’s surprising to learn how other people see you. I think we see ourselves in a very different light than others see us. When I asked my two cohorts, Autumn and Amber this question they gave me Catherine Morland from Northanger Abbey and Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

alice in wonderland

I can see how they would make those choices. I am quite the dreamer, and do get stuck in my own fantasy worlds. I’ve always been that way. I have quite a wild imagination, and can work myself up into a frenzy over pure fantasy.

My brother and his girlfriend:

Photo: Warner Brothers
Photo: Warner Brothers

I asked my brother and his girlfriend who they thought I was like, and they said the boy, Bastian, from The Neverending Story. They told me that I liked to read and escape into books, like he does.

Photo: Twentieth Century Fox
Photo: Twentieth Century Fox

I also was told that I’m like Andie in The Devil Wears Prada because I like to write and spent some time in New York working at similar magazines.

My Mother: Little Red Riding Hood

Photo: Warner Brothers
Photo: Warner Brothers

When I asked my mother who she thought I was like, I got a bit of a strange answer. She told me I was like Little Red Riding Hood (not the film though I used the picture). Now, I’m not exactly sure how I’m like Little Red Riding Hood, except that she said I was a cute little girl and I’ve had to fight my own wolves. So, there you go, make of it what you will.

My Father: Bubbles in The Powerpuff Girls

Photo: Cartoon Network
Photo: Cartoon Network

My father says I’m cute and bubbly…I’m not sure if I agree with all of these, but I guess that’s the point of this exercise. It’s certainly been an eye-opener.

Who I Wish I Was Like:

Sabriel (The Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix)


I would be much more levelheaded if I had the choice. I would be the kind of person who can be cool, calm, and calculating in a dangerous situation. Sabriel embodies everything I wish I was but am not. She is very calm, able to keep her wits about her in any situation. It also doesn’t hurt that she has these amazing powers of necromancy. I wouldn’t mind being able to cast some cool spells and have the wind take me on a ride to wherever I wished to go. I would also like to be able to kick some serious bad guy butt, like Sabriel, but that’s just not in the cards for me.   

Now it’s your turn! What fictional characters do you ‘think’ you are like? Let us know in the comments…


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By on February 27th, 2014

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